Monday, March 28, 2011

50 Percent

I'm more than half way there, ladies and gentlemen. Well, I guess I should say my baby is more than half way there! It boggles my mind, and I'm hoping the last half will go as quickly as the first half (I'm guessing, however, that it will not). I've been thinking a little bit about nursery stuff. But mostly just cute little girl shoes. She doesn't need a cute nursery if she has cute shoes, right?  I've been collecting my inspiration on Pinterest. Feel free to check out my pins! I think it's a pretty cool tool.


  1. wow, time flies! That is so exciting, I'm happy for you! I bet you will decorate the most delightfully cute nursery ever known to mankind. :)

  2. Wait a sec...I think you forgot to put babybangs on your pinterest page.

  3. Cute shoes and a bed, maybe a place to put her clothes...that's all she really needs.

  4. You have some cute things lined up for that little stink! :) Here is a shoe site that you will love! (at least I do!)

  5. Very cute things on your site. Cute shoes do go a long way :)
