Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"You know you have to be 18 to buy dry ice, right?" and other favorite comments as of late...

Well, you know you reach the un-cute stage of pregnancy, when friends, family, and strangers start saying things like:

There's only one baby in there?
Wow! You look like you are about to pop!
Well, you sure carry big, don't you?
Any day now...right?
Are you sure you're not carrying a boy. It looks like you have a basketball in there. It has to be a boy.
You must be ready to be done.
Wow! Has it been THAT long since I've seen you? You're huge!
Man, that bun has gotta be baked by now! How much longer?
Oh, look at your swollen ankles!
So are you just dying to have that baby or what?
You're past THE point, aren't you?
Let's compare which is bigger you or the watermelon.

etsy seller
I have actually been able to enjoy most of the comments like these--especially in retrospect.  And there have been a few strangers who actually managed to say something in regards to having a baby without referencing one of pregnancy's physical downfalls.  One lady at the grocery store came up to me and said, "I'm sorry, I just have to tell you--you are the cutest pregnant lady, and you are just glowing! Enjoy it while you can!" Another one of my favorites was a lady in an elevator who simply said, "Oh, congratulations on the baby!"

So, I say to the world--bring on the comments--you only have a short time left to judge the size and shape of my stomach without receiving a snide comment or a sneer in return. Also--if there's some chance that you could explode all your opinions about my body rather than my soon to be born little girl, that would be fabulous.  I hear the comments only get worse once your baby's actually here (which, of course can't be soon enough, because yes--I'm about to pop, past THE point, AND am bigger than a lot of watermelons).


  1. I hear ya. I'm so ready to be done, and I have been getting too many watermelon comments. It's too hard to enjoy it at the end. Here's to hoping we both don't have much longer :) And pick a name for us! We are stumped!

  2. I certainly hope the dry ice comment was directed at Christian...

  3. I keep getting the "are you sure it isn't a boy?" comments from random strangers. So fun! Can't wait to see your little girl!

  4. I am also hoping that the dry ice comment was for Christian and not for you a very pregnant teenage mother!

  5. Very gracefully said. I've enjoyed a few of those comments myself lately and you've handled them all so well. However, it will be lovely to move on to the next stage.

  6. unfortunately the dry ice comment was also directed at me...he made me show him my ID and then said, "gosh, your face sure gets red." To which I wanted to reply, "yes--happy fourth of july to you, too."
