Thursday, July 8, 2010


I cried the night before C1 started his new/first "real" job. This is how it went:

C1: why are you so sad?
me: I'm not sad.
C1: then why are you crying?
me: I'm not crying.
C1: why are you crying?
me: I just don't want to grow up.
C1: well then how about I just grow up and you don't?
me: OK!

But tonight, since the grandparents are out of town, C1 snuck upstairs and played the piano. I mean he really played it. And the music sounded so nice. And sooo much better than the sound doing homework makes ( sound at all?). I honestly can't remember the last time he did that.

And then I decided. OK. It's kinda fun to grow up. As long as it means there's more time for piano.


  1. ...And more money to buy said pianos.It's really not a bad gig.

  2. you are too cute for your own good.

  3. What a lovely way to enter the grown up world.

  4. Oh Candace..I miss you!! I wish there was more time for piano playing too.
