Sunday, September 21, 2008

why it's good to have a husband who doesn't want a perfect wife

Christian: let's go to bed
Candace: no, I have to sign up for the aerobics class that starts tomorrow morning
Christian: what time is it at?
Candace: 6:30
Christian: that is way too early
Candace: it's worth it though, I've got to lose some chubbiness
Christian: no. I won't let you go, then. If you are doing it to be healthy and make yourself feel good, then I will let you go--but I'm not letting you go to some class because you think you're fat.

Christian does want a perfect football team, though--and I suppose I can live with that. Go Utes!


  1. Aren't husbands the best? It's great when they love you just for you.

  2. Aww. I love it. yes, yes we need to get together soon. I'll call this week.
